Pizza Pizza

Fire oven, pick veg, make pizza, repeat.


...oven...(actually these are some pizza-crust-bialys I made 
after the pizza that were only OK, but you get the idea)...

(a little mozzarella, goat cheese, garden beets (briefly pre-steamed),
mushrooms, topped with garden arugula)

I made a vegan one for my mom. 
half caramelized onion topped with beets and beet greens
half mixed veg with tofu/cashew ricotta

mixed green salad with borage and arugula flowers

It was a last minute pizza night decision so I made the crust with yeast and starter and the only flour we had (mostly Baker's Field bread flour) and my kitchen scale broke and I think I under watered and then over-worked to add water and anyway the crust was tasty but didn't bubble up pretty and there's no need to get into the details because no one wants to replicate it. More importantly, it was our first time post-COVID having my parents over for dinner, for father's day and my dad's birthday, the weather was perfect, we had a good time, and I am a big new fan of beet pizza.  
