
I never gave much space to flowers in my garden. 

Some nasturtium and marigolds always, because they are my favorites and they play well with the veggies, borage for how pretty they make a salad (and because they keep coming back), and of course all the bolted arugula and whatnot that I keep around for the bees. Mostly I jealously guard my sun for vegetables, save one super dry, skinny little bed where I stuff annual poppies and sunflowers and dare them to survive. 

This is all one zinnia plant, from one li'l seed.
(granted, they didn't all get this big) 

But a few years ago the parents of my daughter's friend Zinnia gave away little zinnia seedlings at her spring birthday, and they did so well I planted a few from seed last year. And then this year I started two rounds. 

The best thing about them is how each bloom can last for weeks on the plant, and super long as a cut flower too. 

The butterflies like them so I set our hatchlings out there when they're about ready to fly. 


Little bitty grasshoppers are always on them too. 

Now I'm saving seed, coveting new varieties, and figuring out where else I can stick them. They've earned an annual spot in the sun.

Saved zinnia seed, highly scientific nomenclature

zinnias beautifying cluttered table
